
Sunday, February 3, 2013

Joyeux Anniversaire Sloane!

Well, two months have gone by so fast! Sloane is just growing and changing before our very eyes! We are enjoying every minute of it! Even though she is 2 months, she is still a baby. An infant now, not a newborn, but none the less our baby! WOW!

She can hold her head up now pretty well by herself, she enjoys having tummy time and can sit up on her little forearms, and she definitely enjoys lying/sleeping on her side when we allow her too which is rare! What her Dad and I enjoy most are the sweet beautiful gummy smiles and giggles that she gives to us! They just melt our hearts. We truly believe that the sounds she makes are DEFINITELY her way of not just communicating with us, but TALKING! Of course some are brought on by gas, BUT we believe that the majority of them are due to her love of her parents and ESPECIALLY vice versa!

She is also sleeping more through the night and has eliminated one of her feedings. So instead of 3 feedings (12,3,6 all in the a.m.), we are at feedings around 3-4 a.m. and 6-7 a.m. and then the first day feed around 9-10:00 a.m. I knew this is what it would be like with breastfeeding, so I truly have no complaints. I am just pleased and happy that I am able to provide for her what she needs to grow and progress into a happy and healthy little girl!

We are moving into getting into some sort of routine as well. I am utilizing books, mobiles, language, etc., all through play to stimulate her brain. The most challenging part for me is moving towards speaking to her only in French. I am determined to have this down by the time she is at least 6 months. We have decided to raise her bilingual in French and English, which is exciting and connects her with her Louisiana roots on both sides of her family. Our goal is to have her be trilingual. She will either learn Spanish in school or another language such as Mandarin. Yeah, I know we are new parents with "lofty" goals, but we believe if we don't set the bar high for ourselves how can we expect our daughter to do so. Team Sharp is leading by example...

Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great goal! First time moms always have to deal with the doubters but I say if you don't set the bar who will? There's nothing wrong with wanting your child to be the best she can be!
