
Friday, November 29, 2013

First Turkey Day

Happy Thanksgiving from Sloane!

She had a wonderful time celebrating her first Thanksgiving, and enjoyed her first piece of fried turkey. =)

Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy

Saturday, November 23, 2013

11 Month Candid Shots

Papa's starting her early! Oh Goodness!

Helping Mommy fold my clothes

Hey, I can read these books!

Yummy Cherrios!

Carrot sticks are a hit!

Sloane STANDS for Beyonce!

Uh-Oh Papa….Sloane has her eyes on your iPad

Knocked out on Papa...

Let's Geaux!

Friday, November 22, 2013

These shoes were made for Walking...

Now that Sloane is semi-walking, it is time to introduce shoes to her cute little "tootsies".

I know, I know, there are shoes made for children from birth, however, why do they need shoes when they are being held? They look cute? They are fashionable? The answer is probably "yes" to both questions, however, they are not good, nor recommended for babies precious developing little feet.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, your child wears shoes to protect their feet, and it will not help them in walking, especially if they are not flexible shoes. So instead of shoes, I always put socks on Sloane's feet. Now that she can wear shoes, I went for the flexible shoe, and what is really popular right now are cute little leather moccasins.

When I was pregnant with Sloane, we were in Sydney after our trip to Fiji in September shopping for her furniture, and we went to the Saturday markets  in The Rocks. There I saw these cute shoes and knew I HAD to have them for Sloane! They are hand made and the brand name is so CUTE: Bubby and Sole. I didn't buy any that day, but did get a card, and was really happy when I saw she had a website and would ship to Alice Springs.

Fast forward to about a year later, we were in Sydney for the Beyonce concert, and I planned on going back to The Rocks in hopes that the owner would be there with her cute little shoes. Yep! She was! So I bought 3 pair for Sloane =)

Her first time wearing them was cute and she couldn't keep her hands off of them! Now she likes putting on her little shoes and crawling/walking around the house pushing her activity walker. I mainly let her walk bare foot or with socks in the house, and I put the moccasins on for awhile so she can get used to having some type of shoe on her foot.

This post with a list of the Top 10 Shoes for New Walkers helped me as well. I would also like to get a few pair of these cute moccasins for Sloane from Happy and The Hectic, especially the metallic pair!

Her father insist that we get her a pair of these "traditional" shoes once she begins to walk on her own. Protect your shins! Lol! Yep, we will get them bronzed one day! Lol!

Walk on Sloane, Walk on!

Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Heureux Anniversaire 11 Mois Sloane!

Look at our Big Girl!

So, Sloane is now 11 months old, and is on the Geaux! She is crawling, walking with her walker, standing almost on her own, and so independent! We just LOVE Her!

She now has her own space besides her bedroom. We decided to turn the spare bedroom into her play room. This allowed us to move her toys from the living room, and give her a safe space to crawl around and play with all of her toys. She loves it and so do we!

She continues to eat well, and it is fun exploring new foods with her. She has now had dry Cherrios cereal, cooked carrot sticks, blueberries, and she LOVES her mini rice cake snacks! She does well with drinking her water on a daily basis, and she can now drink from a straw! She only breast feeds 3 times a day now. She will have her fist cup of whole milk when she turns one, and I hope she likes it and it likes her!

Sloane now has 6 teeth, with two more bottom teeth coming in as I type this blog entry. With this round of teething we had some yucky diapers (which is not fun with cloth diapers!!), beaucoup slobbering, as well as little dry areas around her mouth that would turn red from all of the saliva. However, she has not been in as much pain, and we sure hope that continues!

In regards to sleep, Sloane has done very well! We did have a minor set back due to her having her first little cold. Our poor baby was so congested, and Mommy and Daddy were sick as well. It was a rough two weeks for Team Sharp, but Sloane pushed through and she is back to sleeping in bed instead of in Daddy's or Mommy's arms in her rocking chair.

Finally, in her 11 month Sloane threw her first tantrum. Mommy was not happy about this at all and was shocked that her sweet little girl who is in a home filled with so much happiness and love would do such a thing! Well she did… and Mommy handled it with some good old fashion love and discipline. Tears were shed by both, and both survived. Daddy did as well =)

We are looking forward to celebrating Sloane's First Thanksgiving, and especially her birthday next month!

Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween Meet Mrs. Carter

Happy Halloween!

This was Sloane's first Halloween! She was the cutest Elephant in the World! I'm sure you ALL would agree!

Our cute elephant

My little Stomper is ALL smiles!

No trick-or-treating this year. However, we did attend the Halloween Carnival put on by Ash's job and it was HOT, yet fun. We will have to remember for next year, that no matter how cute the costume, it will definitely have to be a "cool" costume! It was actually "cooler" this year in Alice Springs for Halloween, only in the 90's compared to last year when it was 100+ and I was outside with my friend Alisha giving candy to the trick-or-treaters. Both of us pregnant! What a difference a year makes!

For Halloween this year, Mommy wasn't giving  out candy in 100+ degree weather in Alice Springs with Alisha, but we were BOTH baby free and enjoying the Mrs. Carter Show in Sydney!

Our WONDERFUL husband's bought us AMAZING tickets for Beyonce's concert in Sydney, and kept the babies while the wives, Mrs. Mitchell & Mrs. Sharp, enjoyed a two hour performance from Mrs. Carter! It is definitely a show that ALL would enjoy! It was also cool to experience an American artist performing live overseas. I will tell you that the Australian fans LOVE Beyonce and they also LOVE Hip-Hop music!

This was the first time Alisha and I were away from our babies for more than two hours, so it was bittersweet. Our hubby's did an AMAZING job, even though our children gave them a rough time! One didn't want to eat from the bottle Daddy was providing, and the other wanted her Mommy during bath and bedtime. Yet, they all survived! Lol! Plus I purchased the CUTEST onsie for Sloane from the concert :-)

So, I would say Sloane's first Halloween was a great one spent at home in Alice Springs, and on the road in Sydney! We hope you all had a fun and safe Halloween this year as well!

Wait Mommy! Let me fix my bow!

Sloane and her Trick-or-Treat bag

Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy