Like most parents my Husband and I want to do what is best for our daughter. I will admit that I definitely have the "Momma Bear" syndrome, and my growl does match my bite when it comes to my sweet little girl Sloane Sophia.
No, I do not worship her, nor do I think she is "better" than any other Mother's child. I however, am a no nonsense Mother when it comes to protecting my daughter from things, people, etc. that are within my control, and yes sometimes, well often, that are not in my control. I know the Mother's of the world understand where I am coming from! With that being said, I am speaking in particular about kissing on babies that are not your baby. Meaning, you are not the parent.
I come from a family where we do not kiss on babies. We do not know where your mouth has been, plus it is just not o.k. in our book. As my Aunt (Yes I have more than one, but I will keep her anonymous, though she REALLY wouldn't mind if I used her name) so eloquently stated, "YUCK! Don't kiss on the baby!" Now, are there some extended family members and friends who take offense to this? Yes. If you don't agree with this that is fine, but remember you raise your child the way you want/wanted to, and we shall do the same. Respect and be Respected.
I hope and believe that extended family members and friends understand that their germs are bigger than the precious little lamb that is YOUR child. Besides, does the baby REALLY want a kiss from you? Or is it really about what YOU want? So we give hugs, if the Parent/Baby/Child seems receptive to receive the hug. We also make sure we are not wearing a bottle of perfume or our favorite lotion either when we do so. Respect and be Respected.
The main reason why I don't kiss on babies is because I HATE to see those cute little cheeks all red and with those little bumps on them that we call kissing bumps. Of course they are not caused by just kissing on the babies face/cheeks. It is common in newborn babies as their skin is sensitive and prone to break out anyway. However, keeping their face clean and being mindful of when it does come in contact with adult skin, you make sure you aren't wearing lipstick, gloss, chap stick, lotion, perfumes, etc. will aid in less breakouts. Which is what my Husband and I do when we, her Parents kiss our little girl. Respect and be Respected.
Once again you may not agree, but respect the Parents. This is just something I needed to vent about after having conversations about this with extended family and friends. Everyone has their advice and opinions on how you should raise your child and I often think they forget that is is YOUR child and they have either had the chance to do what they wanted with their child, or will have the chance. So all you kissing Grandparents, Uncles, Aunts, Cousins, Friends, Sister So-in-So, Brother So-inSo at Church, etc., don't take offense, just love and respect the parents and their precious little lamb. Just a late night thought from a protective and loving Momma Bear =)
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Too busy enjoying her fingers to smile for the camera |
Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy
We are of like mind, Soror. I am so Anti-Baby kissing it's not even funny. I've caught some flack for it as well, but as you stated I feel it is my absolute duty to protect my child from all things within my control. I really just don't understand why you would want to kiss on a baby that's not yours. Even before I was a mother the thought never crossed my mind. Glad to know I am in good company.