Our little lamb is growing and changing so fast! We are enjoying EVERY minute of it! She is more vocal now, with those coos turning into what we call "baby talk". Of course because we are her parents we feel as though it is definitely more like Sloane's Vocab, and more advanced than the normal 3 month old baby. Lol!
Sloane's personality is truly coming out during this time of development. She is clear on when she needs to be changed, wants to eat, play, read a book, listen to music, have a conversation, hang out with her Meme, or just relax and chill out in Mommy and Daddy's arms. I truly believe when I am talking to her during our late night feedings, when I change her diaper, when she is sitting in her Momma Roo, or just in my arms that she not only understands what I am saying, but she OFTEN contributes vocally as well! I love my baby girl!
Time is definitely going by fast during this infant stage, and it only excites us for what is yet to come as her parents! She continues to eat well as you can see (13 pounds!) from her birthday photo, and she is just such a happy baby! But as my Mom said what did we expect?! She has parents who are in love, best friends and HAPPY! That of course yields a HAPPY Sloane =)
Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy
Happy 3rd Month, Sloane! Love you!