I cannot believe that our little girl is already a year old! Where did the time go! It seems like only yesterday I was holding this little six pound Blessing in my arms at the hospital...and up every two hours for breastfeeding!
Now she is 12 months old, a year old...walking, talking, letting us know her true likes and dislikes! It is AMAZING! I wouldn't change one event over this past year. Even the nights with sleep issues due to teething, sleeping in the bed with her parents, sleep training (Oh what a time!), not wanting to take naps, I wouldn't trade any of it! I am so happy I was there for EVERY moment! Literally!
We didn't do the normal first big birthday party, which is really for the parents. Instead I had the babies and their Mom's over that were in our parent support group for a light lunch and cupcakes for the Mom's. They played and we ended with a hilarious photo and sang "Happy Birthday" to Sloane.
I am so happy we had this type of party for Sloane. I read in Parent Magazine, that the best "First Birthday" parties should be limited in numbers. Though I had envisioned the typical large, grandiose party for Sloane, I'm happy we took this route. It was PERFECT!

Later that evening once Ash arrived home from work, Sloane had her "smash" cupcake session. Let me tell you it was even messier than her professional photo session, and definitely FUN for her!
Afterwards, we literally put her directly in the bathtub!

Happy First Birthday Sloane! We Love you You Beaucoup!
Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy
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