I know, I know, there are shoes made for children from birth, however, why do they need shoes when they are being held? They look cute? They are fashionable? The answer is probably "yes" to both questions, however, they are not good, nor recommended for babies precious developing little feet.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, your child wears shoes to protect their feet, and it will not help them in walking, especially if they are not flexible shoes. So instead of shoes, I always put socks on Sloane's feet. Now that she can wear shoes, I went for the flexible shoe, and what is really popular right now are cute little leather moccasins.
When I was pregnant with Sloane, we were in Sydney after our trip to Fiji in September shopping for her furniture, and we went to the Saturday markets in The Rocks. There I saw these cute shoes and knew I HAD to have them for Sloane! They are hand made and the brand name is so CUTE: Bubby and Sole. I didn't buy any that day, but did get a card, and was really happy when I saw she had a website and would ship to Alice Springs.
Fast forward to about a year later, we were in Sydney for the Beyonce concert, and I planned on going back to The Rocks in hopes that the owner would be there with her cute little shoes. Yep! She was! So I bought 3 pair for Sloane =)
Her first time wearing them was cute and she couldn't keep her hands off of them! Now she likes putting on her little shoes and crawling/walking around the house pushing her activity walker. I mainly let her walk bare foot or with socks in the house, and I put the moccasins on for awhile so she can get used to having some type of shoe on her foot.
This post with a list of the Top 10 Shoes for New Walkers helped me as well. I would also like to get a few pair of these cute moccasins for Sloane from Happy and The Hectic, especially the metallic pair!
Her father insist that we get her a pair of these "traditional" shoes once she begins to walk on her own. Protect your shins! Lol! Yep, we will get them bronzed one day! Lol!
Walk on Sloane, Walk on!

Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy
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