Like many first time educated "Modern Moms", I TOTALLY planned for my pregnancy and delivery.
My husband and I married in 2010 and we knew that we wanted to be married for at least a year before we began our family. We did just that + 7 months! We needed and wanted to enjoy being husband and wife. You know...get used to living together, traveling...being Newlyweds! Once we decided to start trying to expand our family from being DINKS (Double Income No Kids), our mindsets changed from the simple things of what we ate, to being more diligent about taking care of our bodies, and truly enjoying quality time with just the two of us. So when we found out that we were in fact pregnant, we were elated! Oh yeah...we found out our first full week of living in Australia! WOW! Talk about change! March 31, 2012 will ALWAYS be a special day for Team Sharp.
I wanted a natural birth, but my daughter, being half of me and half of my husband had other plans. We found out in my 36th week of pregnancy that she was not only breech, but bottom down breech. Just like her Mommy! Therefore, she would be delivered via Cesarean just like her Daddy! My need for a Doula was pretty much unnecessary in my book!
Wait...we weren't going to give up that quickly! We are Team Sharp! So we researched and went with trying to have her turned through a procedure known as the ECV (External Cephalic Version). NEVER again would I do that! The doctor tried twice and each time our strong little She Warrior turned right back the way she felt comfortable. She is DEFINITELY her Mother and Father!
Well on December 3rd at 11:27 a.m. we were Blessed with the perfect little girl. We named her Sloane Sophia. Sloane is of Irish origin and means Warrior; her Father. Sophia is of French origin and means Wisdom; her Mother. From the moment the doctor held her up over the curtain I knew that I was in Love. I fell in love all over again with my Husband. I fell in love all over again with being a Wife. I fell in love with this amazing gift that God saw fit to allow me to watch over. I fell in love with being a Mother...
I thank God for Sloane Sophia. I tell myself every second, minute, hour, day, month, that she is a Blessing. It is my responsibility to guard and honor this Blessing because in doing so I Honor and Bless God.
Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy
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