This post is to honor, respect, and show appreciation to the mothers who have raised their daughters to be women whom they respect and to mothers who respect their daughters.
I am blessed to have my Mom here with me for 6 months to help out with my daughter. Well really, I am blessed to have the Mother that I have, and we were both blessed to have the Mother she had.
My maternal grandmother Mary Margaret Jones was the epitome of womanhood. I know that it is because of the foundation that she laid for her daughters that I am blessed by the type of mother that I have. Yes, she is here to help me with Sloane, but she is NOT here to raise Sloane, nor tell me how to do so. Yes, I turned out good, great in my Mom's eyes, with the Grace and Mercy of God, but there is always room for improvement! I respect my Mom for respecting me not only as a woman, but now as a wife and mother.
When my Mom would visit me in California when I was single, she always respected and honored the way I lived in my home. There can only be ONE woman in a house, and I am the woman of my house. Period. When I visit my Mom in her home, she is the woman of her house. Period. It may sound simple, but it isn't and I am just thankful that my Mom "gets it."
It is my prayer that I pass this along to my daughter as my Grandmother did to my Mom, and my Mom too me.
No, Sloane is not my Mother's first grandchild. However, she has stated on more than one occasion that when your daughter has a child it is a different experience then when your son has a child, and my Mom can now say she has experienced both. Is this a negative feeling or experience, no. She just feels blessed to have seen the daughter that she gave life to experience the same miracle. Different...
I don't know the feeling, and I pray that I am blessed to experience my daughter give birth as well. What I can say is that I do know what it feels like to have a Mother who is nurturing and continues to do so even to her adult daughter, who is now a mother, and needs it more today than she did yesterday...
Thanks Momma! I Love You!
Forever I am...Sloane’s Mommy
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